Arshad Kabiru , Public Administration Department, Umaru Musa Yar’dua University, Katsina, Nigeria Rozita Ahmed , School of Government, University Utara MalaysiaAbstract
This paper delves into the historical factors that have impeded development across Africa, with a particular focus on Nigeria's perspective. Drawing from historical analysis and socio-economic research, the study examines key obstacles that have hindered progress in the region. Through a nuanced exploration of colonial legacies, political instability, economic challenges, and social dynamics, the paper sheds light on the multifaceted nature of development barriers. By scrutinizing historical trajectories and contextual nuances, it offers insights into the complex interplay of factors shaping Africa's developmental landscape. Ultimately, the analysis aims to deepen understanding and stimulate dialogue on strategies to overcome these hurdles and foster sustainable development across the continent.
Development, African Development, Historical Factors, Colonial Legacy
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