1.Dr. L. Bennett
Editor in Chief
- Babak Mehmanpazir, EM Strasbourg, France
- Md Shujan Shak, Master of Science in Information Technology, Washington University of Science and Technology, USA
- Beata Gavurová, Technical University, Slovak Republic
- Christine Volkmann, University of Wuppertal, Germany
- Fabrizio D’Ascenzo, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
- Ettore Bolisani, University of Padua, Italy
- Herbert Casteran, EM Strasbourg, France
- Adrian Curaj, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania
- José Pedro Domingues, Minho University, Minho University, Portugal
- Juan Gabriel Cegarra-Navarro, Universidad Politecnica de Cartagena, Spain
- Kathleen Voges, Texas A&M University, USA
- Francesco Bellini, University of Sapienza, Italy
- Luis Miguel Ciravegna Fonseca, ISEP, Porto School of Engineering, Portugal
- Lavinia Stan, St Francis Xavier University, Canada
- Marius Stan, University of Chicago’s Computation Institute, USA
- Igor Kitaev, UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science and Culture in Europe, Italy
- Lucian Albu, Romanian Academy, Romania
- Malgorzata Zieba, Gdansk University of Technology, Poland
- Michel Bernard Pietrzak, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Poland
- Richard Fedorko, University of Prešov in Prešov, Slovakia
- Robin Jarvis, Brunel University London, UK
- Sebastien Point, EM Strasbourg, France
- orsten J. Gerpott, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Germany
- Wolfgang Hardle, Humboldt University, Germany
- Robert Aiken, University of Otago, New Zealand
- Aaron D. Arndt, Old Dominion University, USA
- Timothy Aurand, Northern Illinois University, USA
- Arne Baruca, Texas A&M San Antonio, USA
- Neil Bendle, University of Western Ontario, Canada
- Lauren Beitelspacher, Babson College, USA
- Conor Carroll, University of Limerick, Ireland
- Stephen Castleberry, University of Minnesota, Duluth
- Kesha K. Coker, Eastern Illinois University, USA
- Rita Cossa, McMaster University, Canada
- Victoria L. Crittenden, Babson College, USA
- Shannon Cummins, University of Wisconsin – Whitewater, USA
- Philippe Duverger, Towson University, USA
- Michael Elliot, University of Missouri – St. Louis, USA
- Mary Enderson, Old Dominion University, USA
- Brian Engelland, Catholic University of America, USA
- William Faranda, James Madison University, USA
- Bela Florenthal, William Paterson University, USA
- Susan Geringer, California State University – Fresno, USA
- Henry Greene, Central Connecticut State University, USA
- Steven Hartley, University of Denver, USA
- Paul Hensel, University of New Orleans, USA
- Maureen Hupfer, McMaster University, Canada
- Andreas Kaplan, ESCP Europe, France
- Eliane Karsaklian, Universite Sorbonne – Nouvelle, France
- Pam Kennett-Hensel, University of New Orleans, USA
- Aila Khan, University of Western Sydney, Australia
- Debra Laverie, Texas Tech University, USA
- Kate Letheren, Queensland University of Technology, Australia
- Ed Love, Western Washington University, USA
- Ben Lowe, University of Kent, United Kingdom
- Manveer Mann, Montclair University, USA
- Brian Martinson, Tarleton State University, USA
- Maggie McDermott, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, USA
- Claudia C. Mich, Purdue University Northwest, USA
- Larry Neale, Queensland University of Technology, Australia
- Leighann Neilson, Carleton University, Canada
- Fiona Newton, Monash University, Australia
- Angela Paladino, University of Melbourne, Australia
- Charles Pettijohn, Drury University, USA
- Dr. Shabeer Khan , Assistant Professor Department of Business Administration Sukkur IBA University Sindh, Pakistan.
- Dr. Utkirbek M. Jalilov, Doctor of Philosophy in Pharmaceutical Sciences,
Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute - Tsoy Marina Petrovna, Associate Professor of " Social Sciences and Economics" Jizzakh branch of the National University of Uzbekistan
- Alimov O.I., PhD, Head of the Department of "History, Culture, Politics and Economics of Japan", Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies, Uzbekistan
- Dr. Zokir R. Umarov, Doctor of Philosophy in Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of "Special Professional Sciences" of the Higher Education Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan
- Dr C. Dye, Director, Strategy, Policy & Information, Coordinator, Sustainable Development Goals, Office of The Director General, World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland
- Dr Alisher K. Bakhadirov, Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers institute" National Research University, Uzbekistan
- Dr. Abdirakhman D. Saparov, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor
Nukus State Pedagogical Institute named after Ajiniyaz - Dr S.K. Dwivedi, Professor, Department of Cardiology, King George's Medical University, Lucknow
- Dr Nasiba M. Imamova, Associate Professor, PhD in Economical Sciences,
Tashkent Financial Institute, Uzbekistan - Dr K. Dheda, Professor of Respiratory Medicine, UCT Lung Institute, Department of Medicine, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa
- Dr Eesh Bhatia, Professor, Department of Endocrinology, Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow
- Dr Zuhrabonu A. Doniyorova, Doctor of Philosophy in Economics (PhD), Lecturer of the Department of Green Economy and Sustainable Business Tashkent State University of Economics Tashkent, Uzbekistan
- Dr M. J. Albert, Professor, Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, Kuwait University, Safat, Kuwait
- Dr. Mamajon A. Mamatov, Doctor of philosophy in economical sciences, Associate Professor, Department of "Fundamental Economics" at Tashkent State University of Economics, Uzbekistan
- Hudayberganov Dilshod Tukhtabaevich, Doctor of Economics (DSc), associate professor Professor of the Department of Economics of Urganch State University
- Botir Abdusattarovich Mukhtarov. Associate Professor of the "Economy and Tourism" Department of the Jizzakh branch of the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek.
- Dr Nozimjon S.Tuychiboev Doctor of Sciences in Economics, Rector of Andijan Institute of Economy and Construction, Andijan, Uzbekistan
- Okhunov Dilshod Mamatjonovich, Candidate of Economics, "Information security" department, Fergana branch of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khorazmi, Uzbekistan
- Dehkanova Nargiza Sharifovna, Tashkent State University of Economics, senior teacher of the Green Economy and Management Business Department, Doctor of Philosophy in Economics, PhD, Uzbekistan
Dr Kuvondik B. Sharipov
Doctor of Philosophy in Economical Sciences, Department of "Fundamental Economics", Tashkent State University of Economics, Uzbekistan - Dr Amirdjanova S. Sitora
Doctor of Philosophy in Economical Sciences, Senior lecturer of the department of "Macroeconomic analysis and forecasting", Tashkent State University of Economics, Uzbekistan - Bustonov Komiljon Kumakovich, Associate Professor of Tashkent University of Applied Sciences , PhD, TUAS, Uzbekistan
- Muminov Bakhodir Orifjonovich, Associate Professor of Tashkent University of Applied Sciences , PhD, TUAS, Uzbekistan
- Akbarova Barno Shukhratovna, Professor of the Department of Economical statistics Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogical sciences (PhD) Tashkent State University of Economics, Uzbekistan
- Khojaev Azizkhon Saidalokhonovich, Doctor of Science in Economics, Associate Professor, Department of Accounting and Audit, Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Fergana, Uzbekistan
- Md Habibur Rahman, Department of Business Administration, International American University, Los Angeles, California, USA