Mariem Hadhri , ISG Tunis – UAQUAP, University of Tunis, Tunisia Hatem Arvanitis , ESCT– University of Manouba, TunisiaAbstract
This research delves into the intricate landscape of innovation dynamics within the Lebanese business sector, seeking to unveil the determinants that influence and shape innovation activities. The study employs a comprehensive approach, blending quantitative analysis and qualitative insights to explore the multifaceted factors contributing to innovation in small and open economies. Findings from surveys, interviews, and industry data provide a nuanced understanding of the innovation ecosystem in Lebanon, shedding light on the role of government policies, industry collaboration, and organizational culture in fostering and inhibiting innovation. The research contributes valuable insights to both academic discourse and practical policymaking for fostering innovation in similar economic contexts.
Innovation dynamics, small and open economies, Lebanese business sector
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