Articles | Open Access | Vol. 5 No. 01 (2025): Volume 05 Issue 01 | DOI:

Influence of Social Media Marketing on Purchasing Decision

Ahmed Mankhi Gshayyish , Al-Muthanna University/ Iraq


The present study seeks to investigate the influence of social media on purchasing decision-making, as understanding the role of social media in the context of marketing is extremely important for researchers, companies, and customers alike. Social media platforms play an increasingly significant role in shaping customers' purchasing decisions, as they provide customers with access to information about products and services, the ability to share their experiences with others, and direct communication with brands.  The data were analyzed using statistical software SPSS v.26 and AMOS v.26. The findings indicated a robust positive correlation between social media and purchasing decision-making. The practical results revealed a significant impact of social media on the marketing purchase decision.


Social media, entertainment, interaction


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Ahmed Mankhi Gshayyish. (2025). Influence of Social Media Marketing on Purchasing Decision. Frontline Marketing, Management and Economics Journal, 5(01), 5–14.