Ahkam Abdullah , International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, MalaysiaAbstract
This paper undertakes a comparative analysis of Islamic business and investment law, aiming to unveil the fundamental criteria governing economic activities within Islamic jurisprudence. Islamic law, or Sharia, provides a comprehensive framework for conducting business and investment activities in accordance with Islamic principles and ethics. Through a meticulous examination of key principles such as prohibition of interest (riba), adherence to ethical standards (adab), and promotion of social justice (maqasid al-Sharia), this study elucidates the underlying principles that guide economic transactions in Islamic finance. Drawing upon comparative analysis, the paper contrasts Islamic business and investment law with conventional legal frameworks, highlighting areas of convergence and divergence. By providing insights into the fundamental criteria of Islamic business and investment law in comparison to conventional practices, this study contributes to a deeper understanding of the principles underpinning Islamic finance and its implications for global economic systems.
Sharia, Islamic law, business
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