Articles | Open Access | Vol. 3 No. 09 (2023): Volume 03 Issue 09 | DOI:


Kahramon K. Khalilov , Researcher, Department Of “Tourism And Marketing” Karshi State University, Uzbekistan


The development of smart models for tourist destinations has gained significant attention in recent years due to the growing demand for enhanced visitor experiences and improved management of tourist attractions. This abstract presents the development of a smart model for the Ziyarat tourist destination in the Kashkadarya region.

The Ziyarat tourist destination is a culturally significant site known for its historical and religious importance. It attracts a large number of visitors each year who come to explore its rich heritage, architectural marvels, and spiritual significance. However, the lack of advanced technological solutions has hindered the potential for a seamless and interactive experience for tourists, as well as effective management of the destination.

Furthermore, the smart model enables efficient management of the tourist destination. It collects data on visitor flows, preferences, and behavior, which is then analyzed to gain insights into visitor patterns and demands. This information can be utilized to optimize resource allocation, improve crowd management, and develop targeted marketing strategies.

The development of the smart model of the Ziyarat tourist destination in the Kashkadarya region has the potential to revolutionize the tourism experience in the area. By integrating advanced technologies, it aims to enhance visitor satisfaction, promote cultural understanding, and ensure sustainable management of the destination. The findings from this project can serve as a valuable reference for other tourist destinations seeking to embrace smart tourism concepts and improve their overall performance and visitor experiences.


Ziyarat tourist destination, Kashkadarya region, smart models


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Kahramon K. Khalilov. (2023). DEVELOPMENT OF A SMART MODEL OF THE ZIYARAT TOURIST DESTINATION IN THE KASHKADARYA REGION. Frontline Marketing, Management and Economics Journal, 3(09), 13–20.