Articles | Open Access | Vol. 3 No. 08 (2023): Volume 03 Issue 08 | DOI:


Dr. A Elayaraja , Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Hindustan College of Arts and Science, Padur, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India


This research investigates the influence of external problems on micro and small entrepreneurs in India. Micro and small enterprises (MSEs) play a crucial role in the Indian economy, contributing significantly to employment generation and economic growth. However, these enterprises often face numerous external challenges that can affect their sustainability and growth prospects. This study aims to identify and analyze the various external problems faced by MSEs in India, including economic, regulatory, and market-related factors. Through surveys, interviews, and case studies, we examine the impact of these challenges on entrepreneurs' business strategies, financial viability, and overall entrepreneurial ecosystem. The findings shed light on the resilience and coping mechanisms of micro and small entrepreneurs, providing insights for policymakers and stakeholders to address the unique challenges faced by this vital sector.


Micro and small entrepreneurs, external challenges, economic factors


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Dr. A Elayaraja. (2023). COPING WITH EXTERNAL CHALLENGES: THE IMPACT ON MICRO AND SMALL ENTREPRENEURS IN INDIA. Frontline Marketing, Management and Economics Journal, 3(08), 01–06.