Dr Umar Mohammed Ali , Lecturer Department of Business Management, City university cambodia Africa campus Liberia, CambodiaAbstract
The work focus on the effect of harmonious passionate for job satisfaction in an organisation, it was investigated that passion play a vital role in a work context. Achieving something in a work, which you hate will not make you feel happy, satisfied, proud and successful as you do when you achieve something in a job which you love the most. Try to explore your own personality, working habits and preferences. Always be in touch with your-self and your emotions to understand what type of work you would love to do either a harmonious or obsessive passion for a valued activity. The research reveal that harmonious passion for work would be positively related to job satisfaction through higher perceptions of belongingness at work employees showed that belongingness partly mediated the effect from harmonious passion to job satisfaction. Obsessive passion was unrelated to belongingness, and thus, no such mediation was evident for obsessive passion on job satisfaction. These findings highlight the importance of harmonious passion for work.
Passionate, Hormonious, Satisfaction
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