Articles | Open Access | Vol. 2 No. 03 (2022): Volume02 Issue03 | DOI:


Dr Umar Mohammed Ali , Lecturer Department of Business Management, City university cambodia Africa campus Liberia, Cambodia


This  research  focus on effective ways of controlling creeping inflation situation of Borno state , the research reveal that , Borno state government need to Introduce fiscal policy and monetary policy in order to control the inflation situation of the state , doing this will make the economic activities of the state will move forward , Inflation as measured by changes in the consumer price index (CPI) increases in the cost of living due to a number of inherent conceptual differences and measurement issues. Even so, other measures of the cost of living have increased by a similar amount to the CPI over the past decade. Measured inflation has been higher for some households and socio-economic groups than for others, Fiscal policy is one of the tools use  to control the volume of the currency circulating in the country in order to achieve it goals and objectives properly with view of creating more jobs opportunities and attract foreign investors.


Inflation, Ways, Effective, Controlling, Creeping, Situation, State


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Dr Umar Mohammed Ali. (2022). THE EFFECTIVE WAYS OF CONTROLLING CREEPING INFLATION SITUATION OF BORNO STATE. Frontline Marketing, Management and Economics Journal, 2(03), 15–24.