Articles | Open Access | Vol. 4 No. 03 (2024): Volume 04 Issue 03 | DOI:


Alexander Y Manuhutu , Department of Science of Public Administration, Faculty of Social Science and Political Science, Musamus University, Merauke, Papua, Indonesia
Fenty Phuk Ririhena , Department of Management, Faculty of Economy and Business, Musamus University, Merauke, Papua, Indonesia


This paper presents a comprehensive blueprint for fostering synergy between sustainability, ecotourism, and community empowerment in Merauke Regency. Recognizing the delicate balance between nature conservation and socio-economic development, the strategy outlined herein integrates ecotourism principles with community engagement initiatives. Through meticulous planning and stakeholder collaboration, the proposed model seeks to harmonize environmental preservation with the socio-cultural aspirations of local communities. By emphasizing sustainable tourism practices and empowering indigenous groups, this blueprint aims to catalyze inclusive growth while safeguarding Merauke's rich natural heritage. Drawing upon insights from sustainable development frameworks and best practices in ecotourism, the proposed strategy offers a transformative pathway towards holistic conservation and community well-being in Merauke Regency.



Synergy, Sustainability, Ecotourism


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Alexander Y Manuhutu, & Fenty Phuk Ririhena. (2024). SYNERGY IN SUSTAINABILITY: A BLUEPRINT FOR ECOTOURISM AND COMMUNITY EMPOWERMENT IN MERAUKE REGENCY. Frontline Marketing, Management and Economics Journal, 4(03), 01–09.